Friday, August 27

Fall is Coming

Things are starting to heat up at work. This is the second day of classes and I'm seeing a lot of students. The start of a new semester is kind of exciting, even after many years in education. Besides the upturn in activity and energy at work, we have the coming of fall...
  • A slower pace, with summer activities ended.
  • Anticipating the New England autumn ("Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness; close bosom friend of the maturing sun...." Keats).
  • Thanksgiving (our favorite holiday).
  • Apple picking.
  • The first frost.
  • Indian Summer.
  • Getting dark earlier & cozy evenings.

In nature the signs are already there- occasional solitary yellow leaves dropping to the ground in the back yard, passing of the tomato and cuke plants, some of the wildflowers dying and leaving the ones with muted colors, the chirping of crickets during the day. Even the sometimes frenetic activity (and noise) of lawn mowers and other power tools is abating at last. The summer was fun, but this is the time to catch our breath and look to the coming pleasures of the fall and winter.