Wednesday, September 29

Good Health

I had to leave work early to take my wife to see her doctor because of a severe case of food poisoning. I don't remember ever seeing her so weak. Mercifuly, the waits (doctor's office, lab and pharmacy) weren't long and everyone was pleasant and helpful.

This is not the first time that it has been remarkably apparent that one's health can change in an hour, a minute, a heartbeat. The circumstances of our lives are most certainly not under our control, no matter how many things we do to try to "manage" our lives.

How human and how silly to think that we, in our frailty, can somehow control our lives and destinies.'s a common enough belief none the less- maybe because the recognition of our inability to control our lives might lead one to admit that one must therefore rely on God, the only one who does have the power to control. The Lord be praised for his merciful Providence.