Tuesday, October 26

Chinese Food & Bible Study

Numbers 2&3 will be having their supper at Alpha tonight; number one will fend for himself; wife and I will stop for Chinese on the way to the Bible study. Tonight is the third evening (of five) and it's going well. There's about ten of us meeting in a home at 7:15 and there's a real interest in the topic, to gauge from the discussion and comments. An encouragement.

The hosting family lives near a lake and has a large living room. She's an Art teacher at the local elementary school and he works for the cable tv company. J&N have been attending the same church for something like twenty-two years (!). They have this really old dog who's gray all the way up his snout up to behind his eyes. He has a tennis ball that he carries over to you in his mouth, drops at your feet and waits patiently for you to kick it somewhere so he can chase it. He may be old, but he is not slow- he can dart after that ball with the best of them.