Tuesday, December 28

This and That

Yesterday we had a nice lunch with some old friends we hadn't seen in a while. They have a cozy oldish house across the street from a pretty big farm. The snowy farm fields made a nice scene. We enjoyed their company and hospitality. It was nice to get to know their children, also.

Today I did some work on the computer, trying to find the source of an annoying whine. I found it- it's the fan on the video card. For now the whine is gone but if it starts again soon I can replace the fan. Sunday I had to fix a leak in the bathtub and replace a headlight bulb in the van. Oh yeah, I also tried to find out why our CD player is having trouble starting each CD.

I bought some CD cleaner and cleaning the CD's seemed to help somewhat, but it's still not normal. Next I'll try cleaning the lens inside the CD player.

I'm enjoying some time off work to catch up on things and have some time to do things at my own pace, so to speak. It always seems like the clock is ahead of what time it seems it should be. In late morning, the "difference" is about an hour and it gets longer as the day goes on. But, with several days off with minimal plans, I get a sense of "catching-up."