Here's an interesting email from Mike Peters:
There is a HUGE difference between "becoming a Muslim" -- and "giving your life to Osama Bin Laden"... The first is likely just an ideology (which might involve wearing veils, dietary restrictions, and certain "moral" laws) -- the other involves a complete LOSING of Yourself. It AFFECTS not just external actions, but internal priorities & everything about your Life.
The same is TRUE with true Christianity... There is a HUGE difference between adopting "Christian values" -- and giving your LIFE to Jesus. Just as a Osama Bin Laden "disciple" is "up to something" because he's under orders and has instructions (way beyound 5 token prayers toward Mecca) --- so a disciple of Jesus is "up to something"... He is under orders and LIVES for Him who died for him, in a VERY practical & purposeful way.
When you give something away... It's NOT yours anymore! (Duh!). Giving your car away is NOT the same level as a "commitment" to put the best grade of gas in the tank... Giving your life away is not a structured or "moral" decision... It's an ownership decision! We GIVE our lives to the One we Pleged our lives to.... A day at a time... And hour at a time... A moment at a time...
Are you giving YOURS this moment? Or have you drifted back into living as if your life still belonged to you?
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