Saturday, June 10

Classical Guitar

Last November I got out my classical guitar and started practicing. I haven't practiced much (or played for that matter) since 1983. (This really makes me feel old when I realize how many years hasgone by since then.)

As soon as I realized that "it took" (in the sense that I really enjoyed it and wanted to continue doing it) I found myself losing track of time and staying closed in the bedroom with the guitar, Bach, and Mozart for an hour...or two...or more before I realized how much time was passing.

It is incredibly satisfying- to see progress in my playing, to solve the technical problems of playing challenging music, to be so occupied mentally that the worries and frustrations of the day just don't exist. It requires concentration and effort, but it is something that is relaxing and emotionally restful and also satisfying.

I have no interest in playing for others or performing, in fact that doesn’t even appeal to me. It’s just something I enjoy for myself.

I decided, after a while, to limit myself to thirty minutes of practice a day so as not to be an absentee husband and father. On even dates I focus on repertoire and on odd dates I focus on technical studies. Now that it's been about eight months my technique and skill are almost where they were when I put it aside many years ago.