Weary? Burdened?
Jesus extends an invitation to those who are weary and burdened. He asks that they come to him and receive rest for their souls and experience the lightness of his "yoke." Is is only when people are weary and burdened with the sin-tainted disappointments of life that they can really see the true rest that only Christ can provide and the fact that his "yoke" is light?
Perhaps those who haven't yet experienced the weariness and burden of the sin of the world (not to mention their own) cannot covet and yearn for the soul rest of Christ. Maybe we should be praying for our strayed loved ones, that they would know soul weariness and experience the burden of the sin that so easily entangles- the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (to quote the beloved apostle).
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