Saturday, November 4


Brother Rick, Also, I have a thought or two about your idea for the men's gathering on Nov 18. Your idea to emphasize the primary importance of Christ (and therefore the secondary importance of House Church practice and many other things) is valid and needed, based on my limited experience.

In fact, I was thinking earlier this morning that the House Church as vehicle (not destination) metaphor is helpful- and it perhaps could be expanded to include the idea that when things other than Christ are emphasized above Christ, the vehicle will remain in neutral and there will be no forward motion (no growth).

Another thing that keeps the vehicle in neutral (the vehicle may have an impressive appearance, but it does not provide transportation toward the goal) is when brothers and sisters do not have a teachable spirit. This is a problem, in my opinion.

Interestingly, I sense that the folks at Cambridge for the most part are teachable, but in my exposure to HC, most fellowships are not like the one in C. There is too often a "I have the answers and I have the correct doctrine and I have the correct ecclesiology" attitude- and often a rigidity about details of church practice that outweighs the importance of the particular detail(s). This attitude can be overt or masked, to some extent.

You may share these thoughts when you meet on Nov. 18 if you wish- with or without my name- it doesn't matter to me.

I don't know yet if I will attend, but I do appreciate the invitation. I'll read Finny's essay and get back to you.

I love you in Christ, brother and I greatly respect you and your walk and your humble service to the Lord.
