Tuesday, February 24

Old and New

The NT makes it clear that those who are in Christ are new creations and the old is gone. But of course it is a process, and it doesn't happen in the blink of an eye. But for years I have felt frustrated by what I see as I look around the larger "church"- doesn't look like too many "new creations" there- actually, it looks like exactly the opposite. So many who seem to hold onto the old.

Fears, insecurites, neuroses, striving, manipulation, cliques, you-name-it: they're all still there (and in spades). Why is it that way? Where are all the new creatures?

After thinking and praying about it this week, I came to the same conclusion that I have come to in the past, just maybe a little stronger: I am no different.

Sure, there is a lot that is new; but there is that which is old- very old, and still needs to be eradicated. How can I fault others for not being all new, when I am not all new? Good question.