Wednesday, August 12

Zac Poonen

Later this month we're going to spend the weekend in central PA to hear Zac Poonen speak five times. He is a gifted Bible teacher from India and we've never heard him in person, but have heard many recordings.

He has tremendous insights and applications that one just doesn't hear anywhere else (or, anywhere I have been). And he doesn't avoid the "diffeicult" teachings of Jesus-the ones we rarely, if ever, hear preached about.

As my brother-in-law Gary said, "He's the real deal."

He's not a performer or a media star (far from it, actually) and he doesn't strut or preen. But he humbly and honestly and consistently points his listeners to Jesus, not himself. It's going to be a real treat and we're looking forward to it.

Click here for Zac Poonen's site, with many free downloads.