Friday, May 27

The Wisdom of God

A very good friend died recently of cancer, after a courageous 14 month battle. D was 44 and leaves behind his wife and four children- two are in diapers. My wife and I were close to the entire family and had been together many times over the years for meals and Bible studies in our homes.

D died at home, and during the last two weeks he needed 24 hour attention. My wife and I had opportunity to help with some mid-watches, so his wife could get sleep, and also to bring some food to them.

And there were many others who were helping throughout with night duties, childcare, cleaning, cooking, providing meals, finances, and all kinds of support for weeks and weeks. And many of us are and will be trying to continue helping.

It was very hard and sad to see the family suffering, but also very encouraging to see how they accepted the situation without bitterness or anger or complaining. There has not been a single word of complaint from any of them, including D.

And even as he was in his last days of being able to communicate, D continued to encourage his visitors to seek faith in God and trust in God's ultimate goodness, and God's ability to make all things work for good, which we can't always understand. And throughout it all D's wife has been a trusting and loving child of God- praising him and trusting him in the darkest hours.

It has been quite an experience for many of us.

I had opportunity over the years to see and perhaps encourage and mentor D as he grew in his faith. But now, in God's wise and perfect provision I can only say that I may have grown and learned far more from him and his wife, than he from me.

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort....

Monday, April 18


A reflection based on some years of personal experience: The New Testament says that Elders should lead the local church. The word clearly means a person of some maturity and years walking in the faith. It is also plural.

A younger man, even one with zeal, has not had the time and experience to develop wisdom and this will have effects on the local body (wisdom and academic knowledge are not the same thing). And a lone Elder (or a dominant man among several elders), regardless of age, will have effects on the local body (different perspectives help create balance).

Why are we surprised and why do we wonder why a situation deteriorates when we ignore the clear and simple directives of the Bible? One reason is that we sometimes use the standards of the world to define spiritual leadership. Why do we do that when we know from the Lord that the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God?

Childlike obedience is what is needed- it will generate good fruit.

If you find yourself in a house church with a single or young "Elders," you may want find another church with biblical eldership- sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, March 2

Poplar Trees and Flowing Streams

I have a new blogging project. It's for my children.

Monday, March 1

When Does Life Begin?

To quote a recording my wife gave me yesterday, Christian life begins when we understand and own our sin and our unholiness before a holy God.

It's ironic that so many who describe themselves as Christians communicate self-righteousness to others. (I feel that by definition, the two things are mutually exclusive- a person can be a true Christian, or he can be self-righteous, but he can't be both.)

The world around us would cringe at the thought of a person seeing his own sin, (if it allows that such a thing actually exists), but in reality it is a wonderful gift because it can lead to rich spiritual blessings and growth in eternal things, through the Lord.

Thursday, February 25

Mental Toughness

I realized today something about myself that I haven't seen clearly before, although those close to me have probably seen. It is a tendency to whine and feel sorry for myself when things don't go the way I want them to ...when those around me have needs ...when my comfort is disturbed ...when my plans don't pan out. This is something I need go after, and keep going after it until I catch up with where I should be at this age.

Tuesday, January 26

Kings Will Shut Their Mouths

The prophet Isaiah, speaking of the Christ who was to come:

See, my servant will act wisely; he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted. Just as there were many who were appalled at him—his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness—so will he sprinkle many nations, and kings will shut their mouths because of him. For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand.

Praise the Lord.

Sunday, January 10


I can honestly say that until the last couple of years I did not have the experience or sensation of fear. (The only exception would be when we had to deal with some very serious illnesses in two of our children, when my fear was for them.)

But with my approaching and reaching my mid-50s, I have to admit that I occasionally experience some fear about various things. I would guess that it is normal and comes with the territory.

The occasional fears I experience are not overwhelming; they don't affect my faith in God; and they don't affect my ability to function. But every now and then it's there.

New seasons of life: new experiences.

Friday, November 6

Against the Tide

I recently reread Against the Tide, Angus Kinnear’s biography of Watchman Nee.

The Church’s freedom was taken away when the Communists took over China. Sadly, many believers turned on brothers and sisters through fear and intimidation. Many joined the state-sponsored “Church” despite drastic measures of control by the political powers.

The initial stages of state control were relatively gentle, with implied promises of continued freedom and relatively few limitations. With time, the dark reality was fully evident, but by then the changes and the loss of freedom were permanent.

But, the underground church in China since then has flourished tremendously and been an inspiration to believers all over the world. Is there a similar scenario in the future of the church in America? When there are legal limits imposed on the free expression of the Gospel will that deplete, or create, spiritual vitality among true believers?

Will the loss of our religious civil “rights” be contrary to God's providential plan, or will it be in accord with God’s providential plan?

Monday, November 2


In certain Christians, self-described as "Reformed," there tends to be an emphasis on theology and having correct theological views. (By "correct" I don't mean the distinction between orthodoxy and heresy, but rather the "correct" theological views about secondary issues that are seen as central to the Reformed way of thinking.)

A phrase that one hears often includes the idea of "holding a position," as in, "What position do you hold regarding sovereign election?" In other words, do you agree with us, the Reformed, about our favorite topics, or not?

But I think a lot of this well-intentioned theological vetting misses the point. In fact, I think that when it comes to the ins and outs of Reformed Theology (or any Theology), the only "position" that Jesus cares about is our being on our knees before him.

A willingness, or more importantly an eagerness, to live sacrificially for him above all else is what matters now, and it is all that will matter later. If one wants to add deep theological study to that, fine. If not, that's probably ok, too.

Saturday, October 3

Conference Plans for April

Paul and I have "booked" Jon Zens to come to Norwich, CT for a one day conference on Sat., Apr 24, 2010. He will be the only "name" speaker and he will be talking about church relationships and Body Life.

It will be billed as a House Church/Church Life conference. We hope to have some local brothers/sisters share and lead discussion about "Why HC Works!" or something like that to focus on local organic churches built on relationships, not programs. Snacks and lunch will be provided by the venue, a Holiday Inn.

The conference will be promoted in Jon's magazine (Searching Together) and perhaps on a local Christian radio station. We hope to draw in more house church "newbies" and inquirers than vets, and also include some evangelism, as well- new wineskins and new wine....

Personally, I'm praying that the Lord would use it to bring new and old believers and perhaps even sprout a few new, independent home fellowships in the area. Paul also wants to clarify what house church is not, such as a supplemental home Bible study made up of people who attend a traditional church, etc.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Friday, September 11

In Your Light We See Light

The discussion at last week's prayer meeting at work was mainly about how the spiritual nature of the world around us seems to be getting darker. I admit that it does seem that way at times.

But even if things are getting darker- it is in the world of men that this is happening. So this darkness is what we see when we look with our eyes. most Christians I believe that the real world is not what we see with eyes- it is much more and greater than what our eyes perceive.

There are deep and eternal spiritual realities that our physical eyes cannot experience. In fact, those spiritual realities are much more "real" than the things which our physical eyes can capture, because the spiritual realities are eternal; the things we see in this world are not.

All the darkness around us is misleading- the greater reality, the spiritual and eternal reality, is that "the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining" (1 John 2:8). And this "true light" is seen in Jesus and also in us, who are in Christ.

"In your light we see light" (Psalm 36:9).

Wednesday, August 26

Weekend in Beaver Spring

We got to spend four days in Beaver Spring, PA last weekend. We arrived late Friday afternoon and heard Zac Poonen's first talk that evening. On Saturday we heard three talks and were served lunch; on Sunday two more talks with lunch in-between. Sunday afternoon we enjoyed a scenic drive for an hour to State College to visit family.

Saturday evening we had a sweet time of fellowship and a meal with a local family and some other visitors from Virgina who were at the conference. We all went from being strangers, to being brothers and sisters in a matter of minutes. How does that happen apart from Jesus? The evening was a high point, in addition to the teachings we heard.

Approximately three hundred people, with many children and young people, traveled to this small town and listened with rapt attention to seven lengthy talks about experiencing a deeper live with Christ. The man has great wisdom and opened the scriptures to us in revealing and challenging ways.

During the meal times at the conference, he and his wife got in line with the rest of us to be served a simple meal on styrofoam plates. He consistently demonstrated the kind of humilty that comes only with deep commitment to Christ. How many would travel half way around the world to speak in Beaver Springs, PA?

We were grateful for the experience to get a glimpse of something way, way beyond the experience of most in fellowship with many who are like-minded.

Wednesday, August 12

Zac Poonen

Later this month we're going to spend the weekend in central PA to hear Zac Poonen speak five times. He is a gifted Bible teacher from India and we've never heard him in person, but have heard many recordings.

He has tremendous insights and applications that one just doesn't hear anywhere else (or, anywhere I have been). And he doesn't avoid the "diffeicult" teachings of Jesus-the ones we rarely, if ever, hear preached about.

As my brother-in-law Gary said, "He's the real deal."

He's not a performer or a media star (far from it, actually) and he doesn't strut or preen. But he humbly and honestly and consistently points his listeners to Jesus, not himself. It's going to be a real treat and we're looking forward to it.

Click here for Zac Poonen's site, with many free downloads.