I Should Have Said This...
In the movie, Master and Commander, Captain Aubrey says to the ship's surgeon (a naturalist), "Name a shrub after me. Something prickly and hard to eradicate." That should've been my line.
In the movie, Master and Commander, Captain Aubrey says to the ship's surgeon (a naturalist), "Name a shrub after me. Something prickly and hard to eradicate." That should've been my line.
Yesterday (Sunday) afternoon it was hazy, hot and humid. So, we loaded a the car with a cooler, lawn chairs, books and a radio and spent the afternoon enjoying the salt air at the shore- a grassy point with large, old trees providing shade and looking out on the Sound- complete with lighthouses, sailboats, ferries, a trawler, vessels of many types, and diving cormorants.
Christ, was physically "cleft" with nails and a spear. And so, when we "hide" ourselves in him through the commitment of faith we are, as Moses was in the cleft, safe. But much, much more so, because our safety is not merely physical and temporary.
You might find this interesting: "Tears of Sorrow, Tears of Joy" is a Christian blog by Grace Koh, of Singapore. She has some interesting thoughts.
Tonight my wife and daugher finished watching Silas Marner. Ben Kingsley plays Marner. We recommend it.
Things are starting to heat up at work. This is the second day of classes and I'm seeing a lot of students. The start of a new semester is kind of exciting, even after many years in education. Besides the upturn in activity and energy at work, we have the coming of fall...
In nature the signs are already there- occasional solitary yellow leaves dropping to the ground in the back yard, passing of the tomato and cuke plants, some of the wildflowers dying and leaving the ones with muted colors, the chirping of crickets during the day. Even the sometimes frenetic activity (and noise) of lawn mowers and other power tools is abating at last. The summer was fun, but this is the time to catch our breath and look to the coming pleasures of the fall and winter.
"The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one's 'own' or 'real' life. The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one's real life- the life God is sending one day by day: what one calls one's 'real life' is a phantom of one's own imagination." (C.S. Lewis)
There seems to be an idea circulating that Christians don't necessarily have to live a life that reflects their faith, or the teachings of the Bible. This, to me, is a clear contradiction of the teachings of Christ and of the entire Bible.
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
Over lunch I heard a little of the NYC sports radio talk program. The Yankee fans are starting to panic because the Red Sox have gained five games on them in the last seven days.
Today all five of us attended church together, with my oldest son taking his own vehicle- his usual modus operandi. We were glad to have him with us. He seems unsure about the people or surroundings. We've been attending here since about April and are making friends. The people we're getting to know the most are those who we see at the mid-week prayer meeting.
My attempt at a minor plumbing repair went awry this morning. Usually I'm pretty good at this sort of thing, having learned by experience and skinned knuckles, so to speak. We'll be bringing in a pro to make it right and then we'll be able to stop flushing with a bucket.
I met a traveller from an antique land
On Thursdays at 11:30 we have a group of up-to eight Christians who get together to pray at work. Our workplace is relatively small and it is generally a secular environment (to say the least!), so it is an encouragement that so many of us take the time for this. We discuss personal and work situations to pray about. We then take turns praing aloud for each other and for our co-workers. This process, over time, bonds us together into something much greater than "friends at work."
I've gotten a couple letters from S in Fresno. It sounds like he's starting from scratch - no job, no car, no money- it must be humiliating, especially after making such excellent progress. However, as he knows, the Lord is doing it and it therefore must have a purpose, and a good one.
The summer is passing by. Some of the maples are showing hints of orange and a couple are starting to look reddish. Usually I'm anxious for the cooler fall weather to arrive, but this summer has not been a hot one. So, I'm just starting to think about how nice the fall will be.
Jesus told us to make disciples, baptize them, and teach them to obey everything he commanded.
If there were no churches, no pastors, no Bible Studies, no Christian radio stations, no [you fill-in the blank], Jesus would still be the Way.
My book, "The New Covenant and the Law of Christ" is available from Searching Together and Sound of Grace. I have been told that many have found the book to be an encouragement. It is in the format of a biblical study guide.
This evening I took my wife and younger son to Treats Bakery. He had two doughnuts and a can of Pepsi. My wife and I shared a walnut and cinnamon pastry; she had tea with milk and three bags of artificial sugar and I had black coffee (no sugar). The coffee came out of a insulated carafe and wasn't hot enough, so the girl behind the counter put it into her microwave for fifteen seconds- still wasn't quite hot enough, but ok. We also had a glass of ice water. We got a double chocolate doughnut to bring home for my daugher. We saw Jerry the barber there, having an evening treat by himself. My older son was at work.
Jesus said that if we love him we will obey him. He defines love as obedience. Do we love him?
Well...here we are in mid-August and the Red Sox are being true to form. There have been spurts of winning and signs that this could be the year, but that's not the whole story. Althought they are not out of it yet, as a team, they aren't playing championship quality ball. The potential is there in terms of many talented individual players.
The photo is Rose Island Lighthouse, which is on an island off Newport, RI. A few years ago we spent a week living in the lighthouse as "lighthouse keepers for the week." It was even more than we had hoped or imagined it would be. More later.