Sunday, September 5


Yesterday and today I made several calls to make hotel reservations for later this fall. My daughter has her turn to go on an "overnight" with me this year. Her choice was NYC and a visit to the Met (the museum, not the opera). I had tried for mid-October, but the place we wanted to say at was full. So we'll be going in mid-November. Even then the weather should be fine because November can be mild.

She also wants to go to a movie. New York is the only place I've been where people have a habit of reading in the theater while waiting for the movie to start- I always think of that when we discuss attending a movie in the city. (New Yorkers have another interesting behavior- carrying umbrellas in the snow. That doesn't happen anywhere else in the northeast, or anywhere in the US, as far as I know. It's kind of silly since snow doesn't usually get your clothes wet.)