After a quick breakfast we took a bus up 8th Avenue to 64th Street, just opposite the park.
Redeemer Presbyterian Church has one of their services (the "West Side" service) at 9:15 in an old and stately building called "The Center for Ethical Culture," which sounds like a faith substitute of some sort. It was interesting and fun- the teaching (on humility) and the music were excellent and we chatted for a few minutes afterward with a man and his son afterward.
Then it was a downtown bus on Broadway to see
Macy's Christmas window displays. The windows facing 34th Street were decorated with scenes from "Miracle on 34th Street" and the windows on the Broadway side were scenes from "The Polar Express." Nicely done, as always.
After lunch we checked out of the hotel and went up to the Plaza Hotel for a stroll through the lobby and then into the park. The weather was sunny, cool and very pleasant. There were lots of folks in the park and it was fun to enjoy the park, look at the people, listen to the music and hang out, eating hot, roasted almonds. There was even a live
display using a large telescope and a tv showing a hawk that lives in one of the high-rises on 5th Avenue.
Another downtown bus, this time down 5th to 42nd, where we got off and walked to Grand Central to catch the 4:07 to New Haven. An excellent weekend.