Monday, November 1

Prayer and the "National Interest"

This quote from Watchman Nee is pertinent to our times. When he said this, in the 1930's, China (his homeland) and Great Britain were at war with Japan:

We must know therefore how to pray. It must be possible for British and German, Chinese and Japanese Christians to kneel and pray together, and all to say Amen to what is asked. If not there is something wrong with our prayer. We may remind God of what attitude Japan takes to Him, but we must also remind Him that in China Christians and missionaries have too much intimacy with the state. In the last European war there was much prayer that dishonoured God. Let us not fall into the same error. The church must stand above national questions and say, 'We, here, ask for neither a Chinese or a Japanese victory, but for whatever is of advantage to the one thing precious to Thee, the testimony of Thy Son.' Such prayer is not empty words, If the whole church prayed thus the war could soon be settled God's way.