Sunday, January 9

Deacon Decisions


Last week I received a nice surprise when you asked me to serve on the church's board of deacons. I consider it quite an honor, especially since we've been there less than a year. Carolyn and I have discussed it and prayed about it over the last week.

I hope you don't mind my writing instead of phoning, but it helps me to crystallize my thoughts and perhaps it might make the communication clearer for you. If you wish to discuss it in person after reading this, I'd be glad to do so- just let me know.

I'm not going to accept the position for several reasons.

Over the last many years I've been learning the importance of perseverance and "keeping the main thing the main thing," so to speak. I'm actively involved with the lives of our three teens and I want to continue to be able to put lots of time into their lives as well as Carolyn's.

Teaching home-based Bible studies is important to me as a way to use the gifts I have for the benefit of others in the church. I think discipleship is a real need in our church and in most others and I've been able to make contributions in that regard over the years.

At work I teach a weekly Bible study at one college and co-lead a weekly prayer group at another college.

In the spring I hope to begin meeting with another man regularly because of his desire for men's fellowship around spiritual issues. I know from experience that I've been given the abilities to do these things and that they are making a difference in a small way. Staying the course in all these is what I can do. To add significant other responsibilities would detract and dilute. Unlike some men, I'm not able to burn the candle at both ends- I've tried it and it just doesn't work for me.

Also, as part of my desire to help disciple those who are open to it, it's important to me that the people at church who might be somewhat "on the fringes" see me as someone who is approachable. To hold a position of visibility would work against that. I don't want to be seen as a "pillar," just as someone trying to be a good soldier in a low key way.

When praying about this I offered to be obedient to whatever he wants me to do. But as we've prayed about it and discussed it that hasn't happened. I'm grateful to the Lord for what he is working in my life and that, to his glory, it's evident to some others, despite my many shortcomings.

I appreciate your fellowship and find your open style of leadership very encouraging. Many things about this church have been a "breath of fresh air" for all of us and I know you've had a large part in each of them.

In Christ,