Saturday, January 22


I am an introvert. I always have been and I always will be. I didn't choose to be an introvert, but I certainly don't mind it. My wife is an introvert. Some of my friends are introverts and some are extroverts.

Introverts understand other introverts. Introverts understand extroverts.
Extroverts don't understand introverts. They think something's wrong.

I like people and it's good to be around other people (for a while), but if it goes on too long, I feel depleted afterwards. Being alone refreshes me and I enjoy it. These are the hallmarks of an introvert.

To extroverts, it seems unnatural to not seek as much social interaction as possible. To extroverts it seems unnatural to want to be alone and bizarre for anyone to actually enjoy being alone.

More in a day or two.