Thursday, March 31

Ladies' Chinese Food

Carolyn went to a ladies' night-out with some women from church. The original plan was for them all to go a Chinese restaurant in Rhode Island somewhere. The plan changed. The new plan is for one of them to pick-up the food and bring it back to the church- quite a endeavor considering there's supposed to be twenty-two women. I hope they get to eat before it gets too late.


Em finally got to pick-up her Hyundai the other day. She has been busy cleaning it, putting in floor mats and seat covers, and putting a small Red Sox decal on the window. Everything seems to be working well. All I need to do is find a way to install the front license plate. One of the screw holes has a broken-off screw, so I have to try to drill it out and attach the plate with some plastic screws. She took the car down to my mother's today and they went out to lunch.

Thursday, March 24

Crown Heights

Last Sunday we drove down to the city and spent the day in a Brooklyn neighborhood called Crown Heights. We went there to take a tour offered by a Hassidic Jewish organization. It was a fascinating day. We all learned a lot and it is always fun (at least we think so) to learn about people who's lives are entirely different from our own.

Wednesday, March 23

CS Lewis

This is from Mere Christianity:

The Bible really seems to clinch the matter when it puts the two things together into one amazing sentence. The first half is, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" - which looks as if everything depended on us and our good actions but the second half goes on, "For it is God who worketh in you" - which looks as if God did everything and we nothing. I am afraid that is the sort of thing we come up against in Christianity. I am puzzled, but I am not surprised. You see, we are now trying to understand, and to separate into water-tight compartments, what exactly God does and what man does when God and man are working together. And of course we begin by thinking it is like two men working together, so that you could say, "He did this bit and I did that." But this way of thinking breaks down. God is not like that. He is inside you as well as outside: even if we could understand who did what, I do not think human language could properly express it.

Thursday, March 17

A Prayer for the Day

May the roads rise to meet you;
May the wind be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rain fall soft upon your fields.
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Tuesday, March 15

A Fun Weekend

Christopher and I had a fun weekend in Boston, seeing an Imax movie called, "The Mystery of the Nile" at the Museum of Science, the Celtics beat the Pistons in double overtime, and a hockey game at Boston College. Stayed at the Bullfinch Hotel, neat the Fleet Center Friday night. Saturday morning it rained, so we to see "The Pacifier" at the Boston Common Cinemas. A nice father-and-son weekend.

Tuesday, March 8

Strong or Weak?

The other day I had to "hit the sack" late in the afternoon when the flu, or something, hit me. As I pulled the comforter up over my head to try to get warm I was thinking about how I was feeling fine and normal and then all of a sudden- wham! I felt tired and sore and achy and all I wanted to do was just to get into bed.

I believe that everything that happens- everything- has a spiritual lesson. For me, this was a picture of what I am capable of in and of myself- not much. Without the gift of health I can do nothing. God sustains me each and every day and if he were to withdraw his grace there wouldn't be a lot left.

Hyundai Hopefulness

Last Saturday I put down a deposit on a car for my daughter, a 2000 Hyundai Elantra. The mileage is low and we got it for much less than book value. But it has an outstanding recall and I want that taken care of before we take delivery. Not surprisingly, it's taking longer than expected and Emily is hoping to get it each day. She's not whining about it, but I can tell she's disappointed.

Hopefully tomorrow.

Monday, March 7


Woke up this morning with the flu or something. I thought I had it beaten but Sunday afternoon it hit harder. Stayed home and spent the better part of the day in bed and feeling much better.


I received a letter from Stephen in California today. He was sentenced to 151 months. It's a hard thing to grasp. It seems that Rick in Massachusetts and I are his only contacts and he is requesting to serve his time at a federal prison in Pennsylvania, rather then out west. What must it be like to have no real family and only one or two friends? He spent a little time with Rick when Rick went out west to visit his daughter. The only contact he and I have had is by letters over the last 2-3 years and a few phone conversations.

Saturday, March 5

Red Sox in Cleveland

Since we wanted to visit family in northwestern PA, I thought, "Why not go when the Sox are going to be in Pittsburgh or Cleveland?" An excellent idea. Indians tickets went on sale this morning at 10. I logged in at 9:59 and prepared to do battle. My monitor and keyboard were tuned-up and ready for action and the new mouse would be a big advantage over the competition (I hoped).

My nerves were steeled, but my hands we trembling, having experienced the rigors of baseball ticket cyberbattle before, I knew what might be coming.

It was a grueling 30 minutes of logging in, choosing different seating options, being "kicked out" of the program and dealing with user-friendly messages like, "If you do not complete the following detailed information within one minute your tickets will be released." But then...Success! Nine tickets in section 405, row D to see the Red Sox and the Indians in June (yesss!).

(Being in love is hard work. I think I need to take a nap now.)

Tuesday, March 1

Fallacies and Fashions

"Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions." - G.K. Chesterton, 1930.