Hey Joe
Hey Joe,
It was fun being at the conference and getting to know you and some of the folks. Your letter to Jon is very interesting.
I share your view that it is contrary to the teachings of the NT for believers to carry arms or use force, or to be in a occupation that would require it.
But scripture does give governments authority to use force, including warfare. (Because they are "outside of Christ," scripture does not mandate governments to abide by the Sermon on the Mount-- how could the police "turn the other cheek" to evildoers and still maintain law and order?)
That being said, the governmental and military authorities who make the decisions to use force, or to not use force, in particular situations are responsible for their decisions.
To me, it's basically the "Two Kingdom" idea: we (believers) are in one spiritual kingdom and the secular authorities and nonbelievers are in a different spiritual kingdom. (Many evangelicals might say that the two spiritual kingdoms overlap or should overlap, but I see that as an obsolete OT model which conflicts with the NT.)
As far as the current conflicts the US is waging, how can we say with certainty if they are good or evil? Is God's providential working in history and current events always discernable? He may be using these events, horrific as they are, for good ultimate purposes that we cannot know or see.
I'd be interested in what the others think about these ideas. I didn't always see things this way and (I hope) I'm still learning.