Tuesday, November 8

Bird-in Hand / Day 2

During the night Christopher had heard buggies going by our motel. Being Sunday night they were probably teens going home from the customary “hymn sings” (which are held at the home (barn) of the family who hosted the morning church service).

This morning we took a complimentary bus tour that started at 8:45 after a simple breakfast. It was another nice day and the tour was interesting and informative with some nice scenery. But we spent as much time stopped at gift and quilt shops as we did touring. Getting off the bus we decide to have lunch early and beat the crowd, so we went to the restaurant that is connected to the motel.

The local food is quite good and hearty, so our lunch was a real meal. The Bird-in-Hand restaurant was renovated and enlarged last winter. After lunch we went on another bike ride, following a route that we had used in other years. Unlike yesterday, we did not bring the bike tools along- a mistake. After about ninety minutes of riding my handlebars worked loose and I couldn’t ride it. But it was a beautiful day and the walk was fun.

We relaxed in the room for a while and then went to the indoor pool where Chris swam and I read. Had I known there was a hot tub, I would have worn my swim suit. That hot water would have been wonderful on my tired leg muscles. After a short walk we called home and went to a movie.