The Key
I'm learning that obedience to the commands of Christ, as his Spirit enables, is the every aspect of the Christian life. If we aren't seeking to be obedient to his specific commands (not in order to earn salvation, but because we love him) then the Word is not dwelling richly in us.
As he said, if we don't obey him, we don't love him- could he have made it any clearer?
Am I loving my enemies? ..praying for them? ...lending to them without expecting to anything back? ...turning the other cheek?
In fact, perhaps the reason that we believers are having such a non-impact on the culture of the USA is that we pay lip service to obeying Christ and the Word, but don't really take it seriously.
He knew we would struggle with obedience but that's why he reiterated so many times that we must obey him.
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