Sunday, August 27

Daughter Delivered

We took E. to Houghton this weekend, taking us about nine hours to get there on Thursday. She seems to be settling in, although a little homesick. It is a very personal and personable place and we feel good about her being there. The service for students and parents included extended written prayers for the parents, the students, and the faculty. Each tood and read the its prayer, which was printed on the bulletin. Whoever wrote the parents' prayer knew exactly what we were thinking and feeling- I couldn't even say the words, even though I wanted to, because my throat just closed as I read the words that expressed just how I felt:

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, giver of all good and perfect gifts; We thank you for all these, our children, whom we now commit to the task of learning, and to growing in service to your Kingdom. Grant that these, our children, may find in this, your college, the love and the wisdom needed to illuminate the paths to knowledge. Bless those who teach; enable them to walk in the light of your everlasting Word. May your Spirit lead these students to become men and women of pure heats, of uprihght purpose, of steadfast endeavor- to learn and to do your will. In the name of Chris Jesus our Lord. Amen.