It's 1:49AM and I should be deep into snoozeland, but I'm wide awake. I got up and read in the book of Hebrews and did some email. Now I'm going to empty my head, so to speak, and get some thoughts down. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with my mind racing if I haven't had enough down time in the evening to unwind.
After work I went to a planning meeting for Purpose Driven Life Celebration Sunday, got home around 7:30, had some supper (a hot dog with kraut, beans, corn, and cold tea), looked over the New London Day, got ready for bed, read a few pages in a devotional commentary on Hebrews, and went to sleep around 10. Maybe I should have stayed up a little longer to unwind more. Playing the guitar relaxes me, but I didn't do that tonight.
I particularly enjoy Bach and Mozart. Bach has such rich harmonies and counterpoint and sounds great on the classical guitar. Mozart's harmonies are simpler but the melodies are so logical and beautiful (an odd combination when you think about it) that he is a joy to play, although Mozart sounds better on a piano than a guitar. I'd love to play now, but it wouldn't help the rest of the household get beauty sleep, would it?
The meeting at church seemed to go OK, even though lots of folks were not in attendance so we didn't have a whole lot of input. But we did generate some ideas. The packaged program is pretty good and a lot of thought has gone into it- but it's just way too much to accomplish in 40 days (which is of course a great number, biblically speaking).
But I wonder if the same material spread over 60-80 days wouldn't be more beneficial for most people. Most folks just can't process that much new material and information in such a short time (it's easier for those who have a framework of basic New Testament thinking)- just my perspective, for what its worth.