Friday, November 17


Modern science is trying to understand the human mind- What does it mean to think? to believe? to act? Some scientists are erroneously coming to the conclusion that all of these things are nothing more than the results of the chemical and electrical reactions that take place in the human brain.

Consider this. If a person's thoughts, beliefs, and actions are controlled by nothing more than automatic chemical processes in the brain, then one set of beliefs cannot be better than another. One person's pattern of thoughts and actions cannot be considered preferable to another person's pattern of thoughts and actions.

Being merely physical characteristics, we do not say that one eye or hair color is better than another. Similarly, we will soon be saying that one pattern of human beliefs or actions cannot be better than another, as they are mere physical characteristics. Because to prefer one person's physical characteristics to another person's characteristics is prejudice, and prejudice results from intolerance and insensitivity.

So how long will we continue to hold people responsible for immoral or criminal behavior? How long will it be before those who have been accused of serious crimes will assert that "It wasn't me that did it, it wasn't my fault, the chemical processes in my brain are responsible, not me."

Will there be responsibility for decisions and actions? Will there be "criminals"? Will there be "crimes"(other than "intolerance")?

The obvious error in this is that every person is more than the sum of his or her parts, more than our biochemistry. We, each of us, is a soul, given by God- that is what makes the difference. Heaven help us if we forget this.