Believers and Disciples 6
In this series I've been talking about the difference between believers and disciples. Jesus said that disciples are taught to obey everything he commanded.
I think "the church" in this country has imitated the larger culture- marketing, consumerism, materialism, self-centeredness, "me-ism," entertainment, aggressive political methods, dogmatic posturing, "hatred" of enemies. But none of these reflect the teachings of Jesus. In fact, they all are the exact opposite of the things Jesus commands.
Is it a wonder why the rest of the culture is not attracted to us in a general sense? Is it any wonder why the media loves to portray us as hypocrites?
But what if we started trying to do and be what Jesus told us to do and be? ... instead of trying to force our "agenda" on the rest of the culture? ...instead of using the world's methods of trying to gain power and influence?
The world was turned upside down by the early church, which was "weak" and without political power. The world is largely ignoring the modern church, despite our political clout. Could the reason for this be that we ignore the teachings of Christ himself, even though we love to call ourselves "Bible believers?"