Thursday, May 31

Grace and Truth

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

In one sense, grace and truth are sometimes set against one another. (Isn't it interesting that both came through Jesus Christ?) As we try to show grace and acceptance toward others, we find that it doesn't take long before we find ourselves "rubbing up against" (the one) truth. If we communicate that (one) truth, it can seem to others that we no longer possess grace and acceptance.

Everyone wants to be accepted as they are- everyone wants to receive grace. But we often want to have our own truth, not the (one) truth. Why is this so? Why is it so difficult to receive and accept the truth? I believe that the fact that we don't accept truth very well is pretty good evidence that the (one) truth of God is in fact the truth.

Something's broken in us; something's lacking. We want our way and we want everyone to bend to us, including God. And this is exactly what God says about us: we are self-centered; we are rebellious; we don't like to be told anything. God calls this sin- whenever we find ourselves being just who we are, we confirm God's description of us- as well as the fact that we need someone outside of ourselves to save ourselves from ourselves.

Jesus Christ: Grace and truth. Not one- not the other- both.