Two Creations
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
I've been thinking about the Genesis creation and the work of creation that God does in the heart. Both are works of God and could only be works of God- he alone has the power. Also, both are the creation of something that did not exist prior to God's work. At one time there was no universe; then there was a universe. At one time there was no spiritual life; then there was spiritual life.
How amazing to think that the same God that created the heavens and the earth took notice of me and did a work of creation in me, despite my weaknesses and selfishness and rebellion!
And in at least one sense, the creation of spiritual life is different from the creation of the universe: spiritual life in the individual is the creation of something that is eternal. If I try to mull that over, it just leaves me speechless- what words can convey the awe of the glory of God?