Friday, March 27

Metaphysical Discussions

It's interesting to ponder the metaphysical aspects of salvation. Of course no one really understands how it works, although there are various theories. Arminians and Calvinsits and others have argued about it for centuries. Both sides have some passages that support their views. But there are also passages that undermine both views.

Nonetheless, the bottom line is that because God understands it, it's ok if I don't- salvation is not dependent on theological expertise (thank Heaven, or we'd all be in trouble!).

The important thing for me is to seek daily to follow Christ as fully as possible, with his help- to love and serve and obey him in all things- that's my responsibility- that's what he rightfully requires of me. May he take my feeble efforts and mix it with his grace and power and make it full.

It's fine to discuss different points of view, as long as the efforts put into the discussions don't become a substitute for the effort that should go into Following Jesus- denying self and seeking, with God's help and guidance, for Christ to increase in my life and for myself to decrease.

I've been to churches where there were long discussions about theology, but Christ was not evident in the people.

Friday, March 13

Peacetime Nonresistance

Listen to this and tell me what you think. Peacetime Nonresistance.

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Removed from the Sphere

The right way to requite evil, according to Jesus, is not to resist it. This saying of Christ removes the Church from the sphere of politics and law.

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in The Cost of Discipleship

Thursday, March 12

Overcome Evil With Good

The Bible commands Christians to overcome evil with good, and to not resist evil men, and to love our enemies, and to feed our enemies, and to live in peace with all men. I wish I knew more believers who were trying to come to grips with these commands.

Want to know more? Click here.