Conference Plans for April
Paul and I have "booked" Jon Zens to come to Norwich, CT for a one day conference on Sat., Apr 24, 2010. He will be the only "name" speaker and he will be talking about church relationships and Body Life.
It will be billed as a House Church/Church Life conference. We hope to have some local brothers/sisters share and lead discussion about "Why HC Works!" or something like that to focus on local organic churches built on relationships, not programs. Snacks and lunch will be provided by the venue, a Holiday Inn.
The conference will be promoted in Jon's magazine (Searching Together) and perhaps on a local Christian radio station. We hope to draw in more house church "newbies" and inquirers than vets, and also include some evangelism, as well- new wineskins and new wine....
Personally, I'm praying that the Lord would use it to bring new and old believers and perhaps even sprout a few new, independent home fellowships in the area. Paul also wants to clarify what house church is not, such as a supplemental home Bible study made up of people who attend a traditional church, etc.
Thoughts? Suggestions?