A reflection based on some years of personal experience: The New Testament says that Elders should lead the local church. The word clearly means a person of some maturity and years walking in the faith. It is also plural.
A younger man, even one with zeal, has not had the time and experience to develop wisdom and this will have effects on the local body (wisdom and academic knowledge are not the same thing). And a lone Elder (or a dominant man among several elders), regardless of age, will have effects on the local body (different perspectives help create balance).
Why are we surprised and why do we wonder why a situation deteriorates when we ignore the clear and simple directives of the Bible? One reason is that we sometimes use the standards of the world to define spiritual leadership. Why do we do that when we know from the Lord that the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God?
Childlike obedience is what is needed- it will generate good fruit.
If you find yourself in a house church with a single or young "Elders," you may want find another church with biblical eldership- sooner rather than later.