Friday, January 28

More Bleatings About Introversion

From what I've learned, another characteristic (see my posting of Jan. 22) of introverts is that they are engaged more by ideas, whereas extroverts are engaged by personal interaction, i.e. conversation. Whereas in a conversation I generally hold back until I've formulated what I want to say and how I want to say it, the extrovert just starts talking and keeps talking, until he thinks of something to say.

Interestingly, in most marriages one partner is an intro and the other is an extro. I wouldn't have expected that to be true, but it supposedly is. (I have noticed that phenomenon in some friends' marriages.) I am grateful that Carolyn and I are both intros. We enjoy each other's company and like to spend the whole day together, when we can. I can't imagine this happening in a "mixed" marriage.