There are three words that are called articles. Two of them are a and the, as in a violin and the robin. Despite the unimpressive size of these words, when paired up with a more important word such as savior, they can cause a world of difference.
Is Jesus Christ a savior, or is he the Savior? According to his own teaching, Jesus Christ is the Savior. He said so and it wasn't an accident- he meant to.
The enlightened folks who bring us "politically correctness" are putting enormous pressure on Christians to believe and say that Jesus is only a savior- because it supposedly isn't "nice" to hold opinions with which others may not agree.
But wait a minute, it's still ok to hold political opinions that may differ from others: it's ok to hold opinions about sports or restaurants or music or a multitude of other things- that's not considered to be "insensitive" or rude. So what's the deal with the rule about having an opinion about Jesus that others may not like?
It's all about manipulation- they are trying to tell you how to speak and how to think. But you have a right to believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior and you have the right to say so if you want to- and to say so without feeling guilty or feeling that you're not a "nice" person.
Don't let them do it to you.
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