Friday, December 1

The Low View

I'm not surprised to hear that a low view of scripture is showing up in some college-age Christians. It seems that there is increasing social pressure to avoid having opinions that exclude some others, especially for the generation that has grown up in the last 20 years.

Although, it's not just the younger folks.

We know middle-aged professing Christian folks who may not understand/believe what scripture is (and it seems they don't know that they don't know). Do they just blend the postmodern views of the pop culture with what they're taught about Christ and the Bible? I think many would probably be shocked to realize that the two views contradict each other.

I don't know if they can see the disconnect- maybe they're just not thinking.

It will be interesting to see what the Lord does in the years to come, as the problem will probably get worse. I hope it doesn't come to there being a small, marginalized remnant church that is outlawed and persecuted for it's "intolerance."