Pains in the Neck (Part 3)
Thinking about physical symptoms that are always "there"- another spiritual lesson that they teach is that there is another "sickness" or condition that is also "always there" (at least for the remainder of mortal life).
That condition is sin- the ongoing presence of the sin nature- what some older Christian writers used to call "remaining sin." The Apostle wrote that he did what he didn't want to do and he didn't do the things he wanted to do. Isn't that the way with us all? Sure, the gross sins like cursing, cheating on taxes, and stealing are done away fairly easily- but what about the "inner" sins, the sin that no one else sees? - jealousy, greed, lust?
I try to think of the ongoing presence of sin as something that can be a reminder, in turn, of the blessings of forgiveness that come with a living faith in Christ. When I am reminded of my ongoing need for forgiveness, I tend to also remember that there is, in fact, forgiveness available to me from a gracious, holy, and loving God, through Christ.
But not because I deserve it. And not because God "winks" at it, but because through his perfect holiness and justice and love the price has been paid for me. And for you (if you believe). It was paid, once for all, on the cross. God be Praised.
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