Friday, February 4

W., Etc.

My posting dated Feb. 1 (Bush to Abolish Government) is of course satrical and, to me, funny. I happen to like him and I think the U.S. is much better-off with him as president, especially compared to his recent opponent- just my thoughts for what they're worth. (If you disagree, that's ok; we're still friends....)

That said, I don't see things in the way that many brothers and sisters seem to see things nowadays. It is not the Republican party that will usher in the Kingdom of God because we dare not put our hopes in any manmade institution. And, if you think of the U. S. as a Christian Nation, check out this out.

Biblically speaking, there can be no "Christian nations;" the term is an oxymoron.

Lots and lots of sincere, intelligent brothers and sisters will disagree strongly with me, and that's ok, too; we can still be friends....